The University of Caxias do Sul is a Community Institution of Higher Education (ICES) with direct action in the northeast region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Its undergraduate and graduate courses are recognized and evaluated by the Ministry of Education, which confers the institution a high degree of reliability in the offering of programs and services to the community.

As a result of the competence of its teaching staff, specifically in the area of ​​Portuguese language, the University of Caxias do Sul instituted the International Portuguese Language Certificate (CILP), which aims to evaluate mastery at different levels of the Brazilian Portuguese language. of non-Brazilian students through a system of four tests.

The initiative aims to respond to a reality in which the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language is increasingly intensified, given the globalization processes that bring countries culturally and economically closer and, consequently, require greater communication between citizens of different languages. .

The CILP is recognized by the Teaching, Research and Extension Council of the University of Caxias do Sul, by the Latin Union and is declared of Educational Interest by the Ministry of Culture and Education of Brazil. It can be granted to foreigners of any nationality, age or level of education.

The CILP and CILP exams for adolescents are administered in Brazil and abroad. Four levels are offered: A2, A2 for adolescents, B1, B1 for adolescents, B2 and C1, according to the Common European Framework.

Candidates can enroll in any of the levels, without one being a prerequisite for the other.


The CILP A2 exam aims to test the student's linguistic competence to function adequately in everyday situations that require an elementary level of communication.

CILP A2 - Descriptors - Linguistic skills

The linguistic aspects are derived from the communicative situations used in the course.
As a suggestion, we have listed the following grammatical aspects that can be found in the listed textual genres.
– Alphabet; phonetics.
– Spelling and accentuation.
– Personal, interrogative, demonstrative and possessive pronouns.
– Present of the verbs ir, ser and estar.
– Adjectives of physical and psychological description.
– Inflection of adjectives.
– Numerals: cardinal, ordinal, fractional and multiplicative.
– Adverbs of place, time, manner, denial, doubt, affirmation (but, however, however, and, however, although, if, then, therefore, however, then, because, since, or… ).
– Nouns and their determiners.
– Inflection of number and gender of nouns.
– Inflection of gender and number of adjectives.
– Inflection of gender and number of nouns.
– Cohesive articulators: but, however, however, however, and, however, although, if, then, therefore, however, therefore, because, since, or.
– Prepositions.
– Regular verbs in the simple and compound tenses of the indicative.
– Regular verbs in the affirmative imperative.
– Regular verbs in the subjunctive tenses.
– Nominal forms (infinitive, participle, gerund).
– Common idioms.
– False friends. Textual genres as a support to address linguistic aspectsInteraction and oral expression
– Introduce yourself, greet, say goodbye and introduce people.
– Apologize, ask permission and say thank you.
– Describe yourself, what you do and where you live.
– Describe your family and their living conditions.
– Describe people, places and things in simple terms.
– Make a brief, rehearsed and elementary presentation on a known topic.
– Express experiences and skills.
– Accept, reject and make invitations.
– Relate past events.
– Relate daily habits, give information about the location of establishments.

Oral comprehension
– Identify and generally understand the topic of the text heard/listened to.

Reading comprehension
– Identify what the text is about from a general point of view.
– Identify and analyze the characteristics of narrative literary texts.
– Attribute meanings to certain idiomatic expressions and regional variations.
– Locate specific information in the text.
– Attribute meaning to the text through the elements of textual cohesion.

Interaction and written expression
– Tell a story in a linear sequence.
– Write a report of experiences describing feelings and sensations.
– Write about aspects of your daily life, your routine.
– Explain a tourist route in your city.
– Write short texts expressing an opinion on a known topic.

– Personal data (nationality).
– Greetings (degree of courtesy).
- Family.
– Human body and hygiene habits.
– Clothing, accessories and footwear.
- Colors.
– Food.
- Weights and Measures.
– Prices, payment methods.
– Days of the week, months of the year.
– Weather conditions.
– Schedules, business hours.
– Parts of the house, furniture and utensils.
– City, neighborhood.
- Means of transport.
- Tourism.
– Sports and leisure.
- Animals.

Textual genres as support to address linguistic aspects
– Forms, registration sheet.
- Email.
– Short stories.
- Informative texts.
– Advertising texts.
– Journalistic texts (headlines, news, classifieds).
– Dialogues.
– Oral presentations.
- Recipes.

Linguistic Aspects
The linguistic aspects are derived from the communicative situations used in the course.
As a suggestion, we have listed the following grammatical aspects that can be found in the listed textual genres.
– Alphabet; phonetics.
– Spelling and accentuation.
– Personal, interrogative, demonstrative and possessive pronouns.
– Present of the verbs ir, ser and estar.
– Adjectives of physical and psychological description.
– Inflection of adjectives.
– Numerals: cardinal, ordinal, fractional and multiplicative.
– Adverbs of place, time, manner, denial, doubt, affirmation (but, however, however, and, however, although, if, then, therefore, however, then, because, since, or… ).
– Nouns and their determiners.
– Inflection of number and gender of nouns.
– Inflection of gender and number of adjectives.
– Inflection of gender and number of nouns.
– Cohesive articulators: but, however, however, however, and, however, although, if, then, therefore, however, therefore, because, since, or.
– Prepositions.
– Regular verbs in the simple and compound tenses of the indicative.
– Regular verbs in the affirmative imperative.
– Regular verbs in the subjunctive tenses.
– Nominal forms (infinitive, participle, gerund).
– Common idioms.
- Fake friends.

CILP A2 School - Descriptors - Linguistic Skills

Interação e Expressão Oral
Introduce yourself, greet, say goodbye and introduce people in formal and informal situations.
Desculpar-se, pedir licença e agradecer.
Descrever-se a si próprio e informar onde mora.
Descrever a sua família.
Caracterizar pessoas, animais, lugares e objetos em termos simples.
Aceitar, rejeitar e fazer convites.
Relatar atividades de rotina.
Solicitar e dar informações sobre horários, endereços de estabelecimentos (restaurantes, pontos turísticos).
Solicitar e informar horas.

Características do Texto
Fotografias que reflitam uma situação da vida cotidiana;
Situação comunicativa simulada – diálogo entre dois candidatos;
Responder questões do entrevistador.

Compreensão Auditiva
Compreender ideias principais de conversações informais.
Captar a ideia principal em textos publicitários breves.
Captar a ideia principal em mensagens breves com informações como horas, números, preços, etc.

Características do Texto
Diálogos informais.
Monólogos curtos.

Compreensão Leitora
Compreender a ideia principal do texto.
Retirar informações específicas de textos informativos ou instruções breves.
Identificar e selecionar o vocabulário ou as estruturas gramaticais adequadas para completar textos.

Características do Texto
Anúncios publicitários.
Material informativo e promocional.
Mensagens em redes sociais.
Textos descritivos.

Interação e Expressão Escrita
Escrever sobre aspectos de seu cotidiano, de sua rotina.
Diferenciar os contextos de produção escrita quanto à formalidade e informalidade.
Escrever e-mail ou mensagens em redes sociais.
Elaborar descrições.

Características do Texto
Publicações em redes sociais.
Textos descritivos.

Dados pessoais (nacionalidade).
Saudações e cumprimentos (grau de polidez).
Vestimentas, acessórios e calçados.
Dias da semana, meses do ano.
Partes da casa e móveis.
Cidade, bairro.

Aspectos Linguísticos
Os aspectos linguísticos decorrem das situações comunicativas utilizadas no curso.
Como sugestão, elencamos os seguintes aspectos que podem ser encontrados nos gêneros textuais listados.
Alfabeto; fonética.
Ortografia e acentuação das oxítonas e proparoxítonas.
Pronomes pessoais e possessivos.
Adjetivos para descrição física.
Flexão do adjetivo. 
Numerais: cardinais até 1000 e ordinais até 31º.
Advérbios de lugar (lá, aqui, longe, perto, dentro, fora, etc.), de tempo (agora, depois, cedo, tarde, antes, sempre, etc.), de modo (bem, mal), de negação (não, nunca, jamais), de dúvida (talvez), de afirmação (sim, com certeza, etc.).
Substantivos e seus determinantes.
Flexão de gênero e número do substantivo.
Articuladores de coesão: mas, porém, todavia, e, ainda, se, então, portanto, enquanto, logo, depois, porque, pois, ou.
Preposições (de, a, para, com, por, em).
Verbos regulares nos tempos simples do indicativo.
Falsos amigos.

Provas Download



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

 Gabaritos das Provas 1 e 2

CILP A2 Escolar

Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita ( EIE)

 Gabaritos das Provas 1 e 2



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)


Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva
 Gabarito Prova 2
 Áudio parte 1: Notícias da hora
 Áudio parte 2: Pesquisa mostra benefícios
 Áudio parte 3: Previsão do tempo

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação escrita


Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva
 Gabarito Prova 2
 Áudio parte 1: Crie o seu próprio site com Wix
 Áudio parte 2: Estância turística de Barra Bonita
 Áudio parte 3: Envelhecer com saúde

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação escrita


The CILP B1 exam aims to test the linguistic competence necessary to communicate in everyday situations, in circumstances that do not require specialized use of the language.

CILP B1 - Descriptors - Linguistic skills

Textual genres, Written expression and interaction, Reading comprehension, Oral expression and interaction
– Make clear and detailed descriptions.
– Relate experiences clearly.
– Express opinions on texts, films and advertising.

Oral comprehension

– Understand the standard language by following a dialogue between native speakers;
– Understand and interpret the main ideas and details conveyed in texts disseminated through electronic media (documentaries, news, films, advertisements, interviews);
– Understand longer oral presentations, understanding the logical organization of the text and the main ideas.

Reading comprehension

– Understand texts, obtaining precise information on relevant aspects.
– Understand and interpret opinion articles.
– Understand and interpret literary texts (stories and chronicles).

Written expression and interaction
– Report and describe facts and events in detail, articulating ideas coherently.
– Write expository and argumentative texts, establishing relationships between ideas in a cohesive way and following the structure of the proposed genre.
– Write informative and instructive texts.

– Professions and positions.
– Jobs, salaries.
– Banking services (cards, checks…).
- Consumer goods.
– Cultural elements that characterize the Brazilian regions.
– Educational, political and social structure of Brazil.
– Television and cinema.

Textual genres
– Documentaries, news, short films.
- Opinion articles.
– Short story, chronicle.
- Advertising material.
– Informative texts on culture, music, art, history, literature.
– Biographies, interviews.
– Instruction manuals.
– Game instructions.
– Itineraries and tourist guides.
– Curricula.
- Lyrics
– Dialogues in routine contexts (in a store, in the shopping center, in a hotel...).
- Oral presentations.

Linguistic Aspects

The linguistic aspects derive from the communicative situations and the textual genres worked. At level B1, the linguistic elements already studied are assumed. As a suggestion, we list the following grammatical aspects:

– Substantive and adjective degrees.
– Elements of cohesion: articulators, argumentative operators, lexical substitution and definitivizers.
– Orality markers: first, then, then, however, in conclusion…
– Features of literary language: metaphor, irony, antithesis, pleonasm…
– Regular and irregular verbs in the indicative, subjunctive and imperative tenses and moods.
– Verbal and nominal agreement and rule.
– Differences in meaning when choosing the position of a term in a sentence.
– How to impersonalize a phrase
– Punctuation: use of commas, semicolons, colons and hyphens.
– Direct and indirect style.
– Frequently used idiomatic expressions.

CILP B1 School - Descriptors - Linguistic skills

The linguistic aspects derive from the communicative situations and the textual genres worked. At level B1, the linguistic elements already studied at level A2 are assumed. As a suggestion, we list the following grammatical aspects:
– Elements of cohesion: articulators, argumentative operators, lexical substitution (definite and indefinite articles).
– Orality markers: first, then, then, however, in conclusion…
– Regular and irregular verbs in the tenses and moods of the indicative, subjunctive and simple imperative.
– How to make a sentence impersonal: use of the pronoun se.
– Notions of punctuation (period, comma and colon).
– Frequently used idiomatic expressions. Oral comprehension

Oral expression and interaction
– Briefly describe the elements of a scene of daily life in which aspects such as: shopping, use of transport, stores, parks, food, etc. appear.
– Engage in an informal and simple conversation in which information and brief explanations are provided when established.
– Make clear descriptions of known topics.
– Make a brief, prepared oral presentation describing aspects and experiences of everyday life.
– Answer the interviewer's questions about the topic of the presentation.

Characteristics of the texts
– Photographs that reflect a daily life situation;
– Simulated communicative situation – dialogue between two candidates;
– Response to questions from the interviewer.

Oral comprehension
– Understand the main ideas of short informal conversations.
– Capture the main idea in advertising or informative audio.
– Recognize specific information in an informal conversation.
– Understand the main ideas and detailed information in texts.

Characteristics of the texts that you must understand
– Informal conversations: dialogues, descriptions of daily routine and activities, free time, tastes, interests, purchases and services in stores, restaurants and airports.
– Short announcements, personal messages.
– Conversations between two people in which they share personal experiences.
– Newscasts.

Reading comprehension
– Understand the main ideas of the texts.
– Locate the main ideas and specific information in the texts.
– Extract main ideas and identify specific information.
– Identify and select lexicon or grammatical structures to complete texts with a simple structure.

Characteristics of the texts that you must understand
– Advertisements, personal messages and notices (museums, books, vacations, clothes, professions, places, etc.)
– Narrative texts, news, biographies, travel guides.
– Biographical texts, fragments of stories, novels.
- Recipes.

Written expression and interaction
– Write a cohesive informative text based on reading a text.
– Write a narrative text that expresses an opinion and contains personal information.

Characteristics of the texts
- Advertisements.
– Email messages.
– Blog posts.
– Facebook messages.
– Narrations.

- Professions.
- Sports.
– Television and advertising.
– Types of cinema.
- Musical genres.
- Tourism.
– Human body and hygiene habits.
- Weights and Measures.
- Prices and payment methods.
– Weather forecasts.
- Means of transport.

Aspectos lingüísticos
The linguistic aspects derive from the communicative situations and the textual genres worked. At level B1, the linguistic elements already studied at level A2 are assumed. As a suggestion, we list the following grammatical aspects:
– Elements of cohesion: articulators, argumentative operators, lexical substitution (definite and indefinite articles).
– Orality markers: first, then, then, however, in conclusion…
– Regular and irregular verbs in the tenses and moods of the indicative, subjunctive and simple imperative.
– How to make a sentence impersonal: use of the pronoun se.
– Notions of punctuation (period, comma and colon).
– Frequently used idiomatic expressions.

Provas Download



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

 Gabaritos das Provas 1 e 2


Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

 Gabaritos das Provas 1 e 2



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)



Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)


Prova 1
 Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos (CL)
 Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
 Compreensão Auditiva (CA)
 Gabarito Prova 2

Prova 3
 Expressão e Interação Escrita (EIE)

Prova 4
 Expressão e Interação Oral (EIO)



Prova 1
Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos
Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
Compreensão Auditiva
Gabarito Prova 2
Áudio parte 1
Áudio parte 2
Áudio parte 3
Vídeo Parte 2: Vídeo sobre uma venda

Prova 3
Expressão e Interação escrita


Prova 1
Compreensão Leitora e Aspectos Linguísticos
Gabarito Prova 1

Prova 2
Compreensão Auditiva
Gabarito Prova 2
Áudio parte 1: Anúncio Publicitário
Áudio parte 2: Conversa entre duas amigas
Áudio parte 3: Tô de folga, do Jornal Hoje
Áudio parte 4: Reportagem Rede Sul de Rádio

Prova 3
Expressão e Interação escrita


The CILP B2 exam aims to verify the linguistic competence necessary for communication in situations that require intermediate use of the Portuguese language, as well as knowledge of Brazilian culture.

CILP B2 - Descriptors - Linguistic Skills

Oral expression and interaction
Produce clear and detailed oral speeches on complex topics.
Describir con detalle situaciones y experiencias vividas.
Develop an argument, construct arguments, list examples, facts and evidence;
Actively participate in a conversation, speaking, agreeing, disagreeing, commenting, advising in order to encourage dialogue.

Auditive comprehension
Understand oral speech in any type of medium, regardless of its speed and intonation;
Understand the meaning of idiomatic expressions that are less frequently used in oral speech;
Understand complex instructions, such as product usage instructions;
Monitor and understand dialogues between third parties in a discussion or debate on different topics;
Understand the meaning of different intonations (sarcasm, irony).

Written expression and interaction
Write complex texts clearly and fluently, with an appropriate and effective style, using more specific vocabulary and more complex linguistic structures;
Produce an opinion piece;
Write more elaborate narratives, with fluidity and precision, based on stories and literary chronicles.

Reading comprehension
Understand, in detail (connections and figures of speech), the themes of extensive and complex texts found in social, professional or academic life;
Understand and interpret literary texts;
Understand more complex instructions on the operation of a machine, or even on certain procedures.

The lexicon is inherent to the texts read and the communicative situations opportunized in different areas of knowledge: Literature; Art; Environment; Health; Social networks; Media; Globalization; Moral principle; Social values; Identity; Nationality; Culture; Cinema; Music; Education; Bank operations; Industry; Business; Agriculture; Public Sectors.

Textual genres
Story, novel, chronicle, poetry;
Advertising material;
Opinion articles;
Informative texts;
Cartoons, comic strips and comics.

Linguistic Aspects
Subordinating conjunctions;
Sentence structure: coordination and subordination processes and their implications for punctuation;
Irregular verbs in all modes and tenses;
Infinitivo impersonal y personal;
Use of where, that, wrong, wrong, about, about, meet, against, there, to, to, in order, affine,
Study of why;
Pronominal location: proclisis and enclisis;
Syntactic parallelism;
Homonyms (turn on/ascend – stratum/extract…);
Paronyms (flagrant/fragrant – eminent/imminent…);
Idiomatic expressions;
Demonstrative pronouns: anaphora and cataphora;
Relative pronouns: whose, which, which, where, whose.


The CILP C1 exam aims to verify communicative ability, emphasizing performance in terms of appropriation, sensitivity and the ability to deal with unknown topics at an advanced level.

CILP C1 - Descriptors - Linguistic Skills

Produce clear and detailed oral speeches on complex topics.
Describe situations and experiences in detail.
Develop an argument, construct arguments, list examples, facts and evidence;
Interacts naturally with native speakers, recognizing and adopting the mechanisms of stealing and returning speaking turns.

Understand long presentations and lectures, even if the topic is unfamiliar;
Understand any oral speech in any type of media, such as news or other information on television, movies, and advertisements.
Understand the meaning of idiomatic expressions that are not frequently used in oral speech, such as proverbs and proverbs;
Understand complex instructions, such as product usage instructions;
Monitor and understand dialogues between third parties in a discussion or debate on different topics;
Understand the meaning of different intonations (sarcasm, irony).

Understand, in detail (connections and figures of speech), the themes of large and complex texts encountered in social, professional or academic life;
Understand and interpret any literary text in prose or poetry;
Understand cartoons, comics and jokes, identifying implicit and explicit cultural elements;
Understand more complex instructions about how a machine works, or even about certain procedures.

Write complex texts clearly and fluently, with an appropriate and effective style, using more specific vocabulary and more complex linguistic structures;
Write expository, argumentative and descriptive texts using linguistic resources appropriately;
Produce texts based on the interpretation of written or oral data;
Write more elaborate narratives, with fluidity and precision, based on stories and literary chronicles.

The lexicon is inherent to the texts read and the communicative situations offered in different areas of knowledge:
Social classes;
Health: medical interventions, health system in Brazil, home medicine;
World of work: labor legislation, work culture, idiomatic expressions, resume.
Music: Brazilian musical movements.
Culture: myths, legends, Brazilian folklore;
Internet: benefits and harms;
Art: architecture, sculpture, painting, literature;
Environment: nature preservation, alternative energy sources, global warming, natural disasters;
Religion and philosophy;
Moral principle;
Social values;
Education: educational system in Brazil;
Public Institutes;
Political system in Brazil;
Popular sayings;
Science and Technology;
Financial services: checks, deposits, loans, statements, transfers, etc.
Real estate: sale and rental;
Protection and security services;

Story, novel, chronicle, poetry;
Advertising material;
Informative texts;
Email in business contexts;
Scientific article;
Academic texts;
Comic books;
Critical review.

Verbal aspect: review of the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods;
Marriage tenses in present, past and future: express condition, hypothesis, regret;
Use of the conjugated infinitive;
Word formation process: prefixation and suffixation;
Verbal and nominal regency;
Freedom of indirect expression;
Passive voice.

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