Frequent Questions
1. Who can take the Celpe-Bras Exam?
Participation is voluntary, aimed at foreigners and Brazilians, residents in Brazil or abroad, whose mother tongue is not Portuguese.
2. Where should I register?
El aspirante debe inscribirse en el portal web del examen Celpe-Bras, INSCRIPTION CELPE-BRAS or, with us, on the following dates published by Inep.
3. Is it mandatory to take both exams (Oral and written)?
Yes, it is mandatory to guarantee results.
4. Can the student choose the time and day of the written and oral exam?
No, the schedule is established by the applying position.
5. What are the qualifications to pass the exam?
The scores to achieve the following certifications are: SUPERIOR ADVANCED from 4.26 to 5.00; ADVANCED from 3.51 to 4.25; UPPER INTERMEDIARY from 2.76 to 3.50 INTERMEDIARY from 2.00 to 2.75; WITHOUT CERTIFICATION from 0.00 to 1.99.
6. Is it necessary to take the Celpe-Bras Preparatory Course?
Yes, it is advisable to take the preparatory course.
7. When is the Celpe-Bras Preparatory Course held?
The dates of the Celpe-Bras preparatory course are available according to the test dates.
8. After what level is the Celpe-Bras preparatory course taken?
The course can be taken after having passed 250 academic hours corresponding to the first levels offered by ESCOLA DE IDIOMAS, or after taking a placement exam at ESCOLA DE IDIOMAS with prior scheduling.
9. What documents are required to take the exam?
Proof of registration on the Inep website.
Photocopy of the identity document with which you registered (citizenship card, immigration card, passport or identity card) including the following information: email, cell phone, address and city of residence.
10. How long does each exam last?
The exam is divided into two days: Written exam: maximum duration of 3 hours. Oral exam: total duration of 20 minutes.
11. What should you bring to the Exam?
You must bring your identification document and a transparent black ink pen. complying with biosafety protocols: face masks, antibacterial gel.
12. How long do results take?
The results are published by the INEP, three (3) months, after the test is carried out and disseminated by Escola de Idiomas.
13. If the name or document is wrong, what should be done?
If registrations have not been closed, you can generate a new registration by correcting the information that was filled out incorrectly. Please note that once the documents are delivered to the applicator station, no changes can be made and no modifications of any kind will be made to your certificate. As the information is filled out by the applicant, the responsibility of filling out the form with the correct data is personal and non-transferable.
14. If I cannot take the exam on the indicated date, do I refund the money?
Once registration is official, NO refunds are made. Review in advance the dates on which the Celpe-Bras exam will be carried out.