Proficiency Levels

The following levels can be achieved in the exam: Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced and Upper Advanced. A certificate is awarded for each level.


The examinee who reaches the Intermediate level is capable of producing written texts on various topics that, with difficulty, are recognized as belonging to certain discursive genres. You may not configure the dialogs properly. The lexical and grammatical resources used are limited and may present problems of clarity and cohesion and/or frequent insufficiencies that compromise reading fluency. It is capable of selecting some information from the interpretation of texts of different oral and written genres, presenting comprehension problems and difficulties in the recontextualization work that can lead to partial fulfillment of the purposes of the texts produced. Is able to interact orally to express ideas and opinions on various topics. There is little hesitation, with some interruptions in the flow of conversation. Their vocabulary may present limitations that compromise the development of interaction. It uses a limited variety of structures, with some deficiencies in complex structures and few deficiencies in basic structures. Its pronunciation contains deficiencies and/or frequent interference from other languages. Demonstrates some problems in understanding the flow of speech, with frequent need for repetition and/or restructuring caused by frequently used words at a normal level of speech.

Upper Intermediate

The examinee who reaches the Upper Intermediate level is capable of producing written texts of different discursive genres on various topics, and can configure the dialogue in a way that is not always appropriate, using lexical and grammatical resources that do not always correspond to the genres produced. It may present problems of clarity, cohesion and/or deficiencies that may compromise reading fluency. He is able to recontextualize, although with errors, information from the interpretation of texts of different oral and written genres, and may demonstrate comprehension problems. Deficiencies can hinder the fulfillment of the purposes of the texts produced. Can interact orally to express ideas and opinions on various topics. Demonstrates fluency, with some pauses and hesitations that sometimes interrupt the flow of the conversation. His vocabulary is adequate, although there is some interference from other languages. It has some deficiencies in the use of complex structures and few in the use of basic structures. Its pronunciation contains deficiencies and/or interference from other languages. Demonstrates some problems in understanding the natural flow of the interlocutor's speech, with the need for repetition and/or restructuring caused by frequently used words, in a normal speech rhythm.


The examinee who reaches the Advanced level is able to produce clear and coherent written texts of different discourse genres on various topics, configuring the dialogue appropriately and using lexical and grammatical resources appropriate to the genres produced. Is able to adequately recontextualize the relevant information obtained from the interpretation of texts of different oral and written genres, demonstrating efficient comprehension. Occasional deficiencies may weaken parts of the text, although they do not compromise the fulfillment of the purposes of the texts produced. Is able to interact orally with autonomy and ingenuity to express ideas and opinions on various topics, contributing to the development of interaction. Demonstrates fluency, with few interruptions to the natural flow of conversation. Their vocabulary is large and adequate, with little interference from other languages. It uses a wide and appropriate variety of structures, with few deficiencies in the use of complex structures and rare deficiencies in the use of basic structures. Its pronunciation may present some deficiencies and/or interference from other languages. Demonstrates understanding of the natural flow of the interlocutor's speech, with some need for repetition and/or restructuring caused by less frequent words and/or accelerated speech.

Upper Advanced

The examinee who reaches the higher Advanced level is able to produce clear and coherent written texts of different discursive genres on various topics, configuring the dialogue appropriately and consistently and using lexical and grammatical resources appropriate to the genres produced. He is able to adequately recontextualize the relevant information obtained from the interpretation of texts of different oral and written genres, demonstrating efficient and selective understanding. Any insufficiencies do not compromise the proper fulfillment of the purposes of the texts produced. He is able to interact orally with great autonomy and ingenuity, using a broad and appropriate vocabulary and also a wide variety of structures to express ideas and opinions on various topics, contributing greatly to the development of interaction. Presents fluency, without interrupting the natural flow of the conversation, and adequate pronunciation. Demonstrates understanding of the interlocutor's natural flow of speech, with a rare need for repetition and/or restructuring.