Oct 6, 2021 | English
What's up? In English, there are some words that have the same meaning, but differ in their way of use, context, and place in the sentence. The words “also”, “too” and “as well” are just three examples of this situation. Today you will understand the difference and learn...
Aug 24, 2021 | English
Do you know when to use Will and Going to in English? Consult tips and examples to study English quickly and efficiently! Those who study English know that will and going to are statements used to express similar ideas, generally related to...
Aug 24, 2021 | English
One of the reasons many have a hard time being really great at English is: thinking a lot in Spanish. The fact that we are constantly translating in our little heads makes it difficult to achieve fluency. To help you achieve...
Jul 10, 2017 | English
Independientemente de la profesión que deseas ejercer o que ya ejerces en Ecuador, contar con un segundo idioma en tu repertorio de habilidades te pondrá sin duda en el top de cualquier empleo o posición, es por eso que, al igual que estudiar portugués, creemos que...